Behind this Blog

This blog is called Dine In Beauty because I want to show people (and myself) how much food does affect your overall health. Unfortunately, the way our brains are programmed (child to adult), we like immediate satisfaction. So, telling someone to eat more vegetables now because in 30 years you’ll look better isn’t going to cut it. We, as humans, like to hear that by tomorrow or in a week we will look completely different. That’s how fad diets became so popular. And that’s why detoxes and quick-fix businesses always beat the cold hard statistical facts. 

I don’t want to write articles/blogs using statistics because who cares? Even as someone who studies public health and nutrition in college, I find myself skipping the numbers constantly. So, I am bringing a new approach to nutrition through this blog: I will show you the immediate benefits of what your diet can do for you.

This will be a new way of looking at health. Instead of writing articles like “9 foods to help you lose weight” or “the secret behind glowing skin”, I am going to write a series giving you everything you need to know about the topic. We will get a bit of background information and I will always answer the 5 W’s and 1 H (who, what, why, when, where, and how). By the end of each series, you will know exactly what you need to incorporate into your diet as well as how to incorporate it. 

Each series will last about 1-3 months, depending on the goal. I will be taking on the challenge of making sure what I am writing is correct. Basically, this is all an experiment. Together, we can find solutions that work! And at the same time, we can be healthy inside and out.

The first series is going to be something I have been obsessed with recently…stay tuned!



Alright, today is the day that marks 40 days until September 1st! That means the next few weeks are going to get crazy busy, but I am excited!

Without further ado, here is what I am doing for the rest of the week regarding diet and exercise. On Sunday, I will post the following week’s regimen!



2 mile run and Malibooty from Tone It Up two times through

I’m keeping my diet lean, clean, and green today. For breakfast, I made a banana, strawberry and blueberry protein shake. For lunch and dinner, I plan on making meat sauce (with ground turkey) to put on top of spaghetti squash.


Spring into Summer Cardio from Tone It Up! and an hour of yoga

Again, my diet is going to be lean, clean and green. I am going grocery shopping today, so there will be a post on what I got!


2 mile run and Love Your Body with HIIT workout from, you guessed it, Tone It Up!

My diet today will consist of as much lean, clean and green I can get in. I want to save my cheat meals for another day!


90 minutes of yoga please!


30 minutes cross training, meaning anything but running!


My Goals For the 2014/2015 Academic Year

This year is my senior year of college, and with that comes a lot of excitement, anxiety, and hard work. I know this year will be amazing, but I also know it will have its lows and it’s stresses. My plans for after college are still hazy, whether I will apply to graduate school or just go straight into the work field. But I kind of want to live in the moment and figure all this out later.

For the next 40 days, I will write blog posts to help me get ready for the year that this ahead. I have so many goals in life that I want to achieve, and this year will be the building block for all of them. Here goes nothing!

1. Establish a morning routine. I want to have a set system for the morning. Wake up, work out, shower, eat breakfast, prepare for the day (write a blog post, read the news), and head off to class. I am lucky that this semester, my only 8 am is on Fridays; every other day, I don’t have anything until 11 am or 12 pm. That leaves a wide open morning for an early bird!

2. Become one with my planner. I recently bought an AMAZING planner over on where it has the hour of everyday listed on the side of each day to really plan out my day. Although it cost me $34.00, I think it was well worth it. I am already seeing myself become more organized and ready to take on the day. My goal is that by the end of this year, I become one with a planner so entering the real world, I am as organized as can be.

3. Get enough sleep. I want to establish a daily routine so that by the time it hits about 10:30 or 11 pm, I am ready for bed. I plan on waking up at 6:30AM every morning during school, so it is imperative that I get enough sleep (7-8 hours). That means my days will be packed with work and no time for fun, but that’s what the weekend is for right?

4. Develop close relationships with everyone I know. This is our last year of college, and most of us will be either going back to our hometown or moving out of Boston, or some may even stay in Boston. Regardless, everyone will be in different places come June 2015, so I want to make sure I have friendships that will last the long distance.


My goals for the next 40 days are to prepare me for following those above, so here’s how I will make sure I achieve my goals.

Goal #1. Morning routine:

  • 6:30 AM – Wake Up
  • 6:40 AM – Workout
  • 7:40 AM – Breakfast
  • 8:00 AM – Shower/Get Ready for the day
  • 8:45 AM – Read the news
  • 9:15 AM – Write a Blog Post

Goal #2. Planner Rules

  • As a new event arises, write it in immediately
  • Every Sunday, review schedule for the week and make any modifications
  • Have a priority To Do List on the top of everyday, and write it out the night before
  • Cross out what you have done
  • Keep notes, grocery lists, and ideas in planner as well

Goal #3. Sleep

  • Have every task in planner done by 9 PM
  • If emergency comes up, move things around so you can still get to bed on time
  • Take time every night to read a book, this always helps me fall asleep.

Goal #4. Friends

  • Hang out with friends during the weekend
  • Develop traditions (dinner on Friday night, library buddies, workout friends)
  • Always let them know you appreciate them.

There you have it! What are your goals for this school year?

It’s Here! Your Back to School Challenge to Get Your Body Ready for Class!

There are officially 40 days until September 1st, which means school is starting SO SOON!

I wanted to start a challenge for myself to workout hard and eat well right now, so when school starts, I am energized, confident, and ready to tackle on my LAST YEAR OF COLLEGE. But, I don’t want to do it alone, so I am asking anyone and everyone who wants to join me, well, to join! We can interact in the comments section of each post, or maybe I’ll create a forum if that is easier…we’ll see how this goes.

I want to start school feeling happy, confident, and ready to tackle a hard semester with my head high, shoulders pulled back, and my heart on my sleeve. Watch out, because here I come!

Here are more details:

There will be a weekly schedule with a monthly planner, daily challenges and more. The rules are to just do each challenge everyday. It’s only 40 days! Everything about these 40 days will have you looking like the carefree, amazing summer you had!

The daily challenges and weekly schedule will go up here on this blog. There may be some accompanying videos on my yet to be determined YouTube channel. I’ll also post recipes, grocery lists, tips and tricks, the works! throughout these next 40 days.

If it is easier to check in on Instagram or Twitter, you can! I will be updating there as well, so make sure to follow me @eira_jaye on both sites!

This will ultimately work like Karena and Katrina’s Series Challenges work at (love you girls!) Every Sunday, I’ll post the weekly schedule and daily challenges. There will be a cardio and strength training workout as well as a nutrition challenge for each day of the week. And yes, that means we are working out 7 days/week!

Your First Challenge!

Visualize your goals for school this semester! Write out where you want to be on the first day of school mentally, physically, socially, and intuitively. How do you want to feel? What do you want to accomplish before then? Where do you want to go? How are you going to accomplish that?

My next blog post will be my response to this challenge; I can’t wait to see yours!

Get Organized!

Today, I want you to get organized. Get your gym bag ready to go (even if you don’t go to a gym), get your workout clothes situated for the week, and plan out your days for the weeks ahead. This might mean waking up early to get your workouts in before the day starts, and that’s good! This way, you’ll be an early bird professional for the first day of school, and getting up will be a breeze!

I am going to go on with this challenge until September 1st, and then a new challenge will come up because it will be 3 months until my sister’s wedding!!

Can’t wait to see what these next few weeks bring!

“The duty of youth is to challenge corruption” – Kurt Cobain

What It Means To Dine in Beauty

Wake Up Wednesday!

This morning’s post is going to be a behind the scenes of what ‘Dine In Beauty’ really is and what it means to me. I started this blog because I need a place to express all my artistic needs. Since I was a kid, I have always loved nutrition and fitness. But I also love music, DIY crafts, hair, makeup, and reading! There’s just so many interests in my life that it is hard to keep track of them. So, I decided to start a blog focused mainly on nutrition and fitness, but also on my other interests (the other beauties in my life).

This site will consist of a few things:

1. Daily posts – Everyday of the week has its own theme, which will become more apparent as the days go on. I plan on writing every post while eating breakfast that morning, or if I am ahead of the game, the morning before. That way, I have the day to edit and post!

2. Nutrition Section – The most important part of this site is the nutrition section. I will be writing articles on everything! I’ll mainly talk about how a food or type of food aids in the glowing of our skin, whites of our eyes, and strength of our hair and nails. But this all comes with the added benefit of the science behind food, which is my absolute favorite subject. Get ready for lengthy but entertaining posts!

3. Fitness Section – This section is not my forte…yet. I want to have you guys follow along while I try to figure out this side of life. I am not new to working out, but I am new to working out without a team backing me up. Playing sports and working out are two different feelings entirely, and I need to learn how to master working out alone.

4. Lifestyle Section – As well as being a health nut, I love other things too. I am a musician, I am a crafter, and I am a makeup/beauty addict. At least once a week, I’ll post about something random and you’ll love it…hopefully!

I hope this will be a place where we can form a community of enthusiasm and happiness. If you have any questions ever, my name is Jomarie and I am here!